Our Team

Vezisoft Corp. is comprised of individuals who all have unique life and business experiences and are among the top rated professionals in their fields. We have all worked with Fortune 500 companies, organizations and institutions to produce incredible results in our fields. By combining our expertise we are able to offer you results driven services that stand out from the crowd.

Partners & Leaders

Marc Buchmann


15 Billion Trees planted. Director on 20 boards, CEO for 5 companies, excels in Technology and Business.


Thom Richardson

Technology Officer

AWS, Agile, Java, React, has a masters in business and a masters in technology. Owns 3 companies, has created franchises and sold them.


Ron Campitelli

Technology Advisor

Has worked with top Fortune 500 companies for 40 years. Experienced, successful, tempered. AS/400 to Windows Server Systems and Linux.


Jeffrey Wagner

Financial Guru

30 years venture capital, M&A, Business Development, Corporate optimizations.